How Can You Help?


To volunteer with OCSEF please fill out the application form

I’ve helped with the fair for many years because it is a valuable educational experience for students, I enjoy working with the scientists and teachers on our volunteer Board, and each year I am privileged to meet the nicest, brightest, most enthusiastic young people who come to display their work, discuss their projects with the judges, and compete for awards. I hope that you will consider how you might help support this science fair and I know you will find it as satisfying and experience as I do.

-Darleen Weisz, longstanding member of the OCSEF Board of Directors 

The Orange County Science & Engineering Fair is a non-profit organization run by scientists, engineers and educators who volunteer their time because they believe in the importance of STEM education to insure Orange County students have the 21st century skills of critical thinking, collaboration, communication and creativity to be college and career ready.

For over 50 years, we have encouraged and rewarded the excellent scientific work of middle and high schools students throughout Orange County. This would not be possible without the help of many people who volunteer their time and energy throughout the year and especially during the week of the science fair.

Throughout the year, volunteers work with committee members on a variety of projects, including fair operations, publicity, fund raising, website management, and outreach to schools, teachers and students through workshops and mentoring.

The OCSEF is held at the OC Fair & Event Center in March. During Fair Week, many volunteers are needed to insure smooth operations and to provide the students with an invaluable learning experience. This includes preparing the exhibit hall, welcoming students and assisting them to set up their exhibits, judging the projects, preparing awards lists and materials, monitoring the exhibit hall during the public open house, welcoming students and families to the awards ceremony, and helping to close the exhibit hall and return materials to storage.

The Orange County Science & Engineering Fair is a non-profit organization run by scientists and educators who volunteer their time because they believe in the importance of science education. For over 50 years, we have encouraged and rewarded the excellent scientific work of secondary students throughout Orange County.

This would not be possible without the help of the many people who volunteer their time and energy throughout the year as well as during the week of the science fair.

During the year, committee members work in areas such as fair operations, publicity, fund raising, website management, and outreach to schools, teachers and students through workshops and mentoring.

The OCSEF is held at the OC Fair & Event Center. During the week of the fair, many volunteers are needed for smooth operations and to help provide the students with a valuable experience. This includes preparing the exhibit hall, welcoming and assisting students as they set up their exhibits, judging the projects, preparating awards lists and materials, monitoring the exhibit hall during open house, welcoming students and families at the awards program, and closing the exhibit hall and returning materials to storage.