By: Rakshana S.
Year: 2020
School: Lakeside Middle School, 8th grade
Division: Junior
Advisor: Mrs. Feng
All structures we see outside are usually made of any type of metal, mostly steel. When it is exposed to any liquid and oxygen it creates a process called iron-oxide also known as rusting.
Rust can change steel into different material, even material that is weaker than the original. This experiment investigates how acids affect the rate of corrosion as we compare it to rainwater and acid rain models.
Corrosion is weathering of metal into another material which is measured using its corrosion rate, the speed at which any metal degrades. The scientist predicts that the acids will accelerate the rate of corrosion because of the hydrogen compounds in each liquid.
This investigation will include three acidic liquids, rice vinegar, orange juice, and distilled water (acting as the acidic/normal rainwater), steel wool as the metal, an electric thermometer showing us how fast the rate of corrosion is happening with the change in temperature, all measuring utensils as well as gloves/face masks for safety To experiment, the research first, soaked the steel wool in the liquid and squeezed until all the liquid has been drained.
Then, take the steel wool, wrap it around the thermometer, and record the temperature every minute for 10 minutes and also record at 15 minutes. The data that the experimenter collects shows how fast or slow the rate of corrosion is. In conclusion, after testing all the liquids, it shows that the acids, rice vinegar and orange juice, rapidly increases the rate of corrosion versus the rate of corrosion water produces.