By: Jay P.
Year: 2021
School: Northwood High
Grade: 9
Science Teacher: Gabrielle Camacho
Spaced repetition learning technique involves multiple study sessions that are evenly spread apart. The time between these sessions is the consolidation period. This study aimed to find the ideal consolidation period to maximize learning utilizing spaced repetition. Three consolidation periods were tested; 1 day, 2 days, and 7 days. Jay created a maze game using Scratch which included various features to assess learning. Each participant’s progress was tracked over the course of five sessions. They were also required to fill out a sleep and mood questionnaire. Data was analyzed through analysis of variance or ANOVA. The 1 day consolidation period had the best learning outcomes, followed by the 2 day and then 7 day periods. All groups got faster as the sessions progressed and participants with higher sleep quality showed even greater improvement.
The limitations of this study are a small sample size due to COVID-19, which prohibited traditional pencil and paper testing, however it is hypothesized that these results will be applicable to learning in school as well as 3D spaces, virtual reality, and laparoscopic surgery.
In conclusion, practicing every day or every other day leads to the best learning outcomes. Also, there is a trend between improved performance with better sleep. This can be further researched by using different testing apparatuses such as virtual reality tasks. The impact of caffeine, sugar, exercise, and video games on learning can also be tested. By continuing this research, Jay hopes to create and promote effective learning techniques for students worldwide.