Creating a Versatile Mobile Device to Assist the Visually Impaired Using Object Detection

By: Atharv P.Year: 2024School: Fairmont Private Schools, North Tustin CampusGrade: 8Science Teacher: Joshua Riturban The challenges faced by visually impaired individuals often require the support of innovative technology to facilitate daily tasks. Atharv’s OCSEF project aims to bridge this gap by creating a device that enhances the lives of the visually impaired. The prototype Atharv built is equipped

AI- Powered Assistive Aid for the Visually Impaired

By: Katherine H.Year: 2022School: Woodbridge HighGrade: 10Science Teacher: Crystal Cooper Global studies highlight a pressing issue affecting 253 million visually impaired individuals worldwide, a number projected to triple by 2050. Traditional aids such as Braille, guide dogs, and white canes, though once indispensable, lack versatility and adaptability. In response to this challenge, Katherine developed a groundbreaking prototype utilizing

The Assignment Observer

By: Dylan S.Year: 2023School: Lakeside MiddleGrade: 8Science Teacher: Lauren Feng In the era of digital education, platforms like Canvas have revolutionized the way students and parents engage with homework assignments. While these platforms offer the convenience of real-time updates and accessibility from anywhere, they have also introduced new challenges. Keeping track of homework content and due dates has

Personal Social Distance Monitor

Anoushka successfully built a social distance monitor device that measures 6 feet from other people accurately and can alert with a buzzer and led light. Public social distancing is a safety measure to minimize chances of getting infected with covid 19. The challenge of social distancing is that it is hard to keep track of

Light-Seeking Robot

This project is about building a simple light seeking solar powered robot. This will allow the robot to self charge and can have several applications. Some examples are self charging vacuum cleaners. The robot will save energy due to the solar power which is better for the environment. The robot will also save time while

The Task Alarm

Alarm clocks aren’t very efficient because users just snooze the alarm clock due to their tiredness. Based on this problem, Adit’s overall question was “How can I build and design a more efficient alarm clock,” an alarm that can only be deactivated through various different tasks. By answering this question, Adit was able to design

AquaSafe- A Device to Prevent Drowning in Pools

By: Hussain H.Year: 2022School: Serrano IntermediateGrade: 8Science Teacher: Andi Suter Drowning is very prevalent and can be solved using technology. However, devices that prevent drowning are either too expensive or do not work properly. Therefore, a device is needed that can consistently communicate with a lifeguard/supervisor. To do this, microcontrollers can be used. An Arduino

The I See Headset: Providing Spatial Awareness for the Disabled

By: Jason AYear: 2022School: Cabrillo AcademyGrade: 9Science Teacher: Heidi Thompson Millions of people suffer from heavy visual impairment, degenerative eye disorders, and sudden blindness. Most heavy visual impairments do not have reliable cures, some visual impairments can be aided by laser surgeries and modern telescopic technology although this technology may not be available to everyone

Smart Crossing Guard Aid

By: Melody Y. Year: 2021School: Rancho San Joaquin MiddleScience Teacher: Lisa Gordon AbstractThe purpose of this project was to create a smart device used as an assistant for crossing guards. It will utilize computer vision to detect oncoming cars, and find the most cost effective device to assist them. Throughout the project, four main goals

Object Detecting Smart Glasses for the Blind and Visually Impaired

By: Basim C.Year: 2021School: Sage HillGrade: 9Science Teacher: Anie Robinson Abstract:Objectives: To create an advanced cane replacement in the form of glasses. I wanted the glasses to be as affordable as possible and light enough so that it could be comfortably worn on the head. Methods/Materials: All mounting parts for the glasses were designed in